

Charlotte Edwardes is a writer and award winning journalist.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow

On sex, controversy and how not to be an a**hole

I'm on a hotel sofa barely out of my coat when Gwyneth Paltrow pads in: barefoot, athletic, golden, wearing sweat pants, appearing serene but with a faint edge of something else (is it hunger? Chilly impatience? Pique?). She is in the flesh the very embodiment of Los Angeles in that sun-kissed, luscious, roll-your-yoga-mat-out-on-the-beach sort of way. She folds herself on to the sofa and studies me in a manner that is not unintimidating. ‘Have you had a bad experience before?’ she asks in her honeyed Californian drawl.…Read the full article on the Evening Standard

Raging Hormones

Raging Hormones

Premarital Therapy

Premarital Therapy