

Charlotte Edwardes is a writer and award winning journalist.

Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt on Boris, coronavirus and how to escape lockdown

On the evening of Thursday, March 12, a few hours after Boris Johnson had made his big, “Many more will lose their loved ones before their time,” speech, Jeremy Hunt appeared on BBC Two’s Newsnight. To the uninitiated, he may have looked just very Jeremy Huntish: boring hair, boring shirt, light blue tie with spots. But Jeremy Hunt was angry. Behind the modulated tone and militant civility, his face was pink. “It is surprising and concerning,” he said in response to the government’s decision not to shut down schools or quarantine care homes or ban mass gatherings (70,000 turned out for Cheltenham’s Gold Cup the next day), “when we have just four weeks before we get to the stage Italy is at. You would... read the full article on The Times

George Osborne

George Osborne

Ali Parsa

Ali Parsa